A lot of traditional exercises will target a few of these muscles, but the reason I have learned to love Pilates so much is that it integrates very precise movements in order to target ALL of these core muscles. And some of those muscles are deep within your abdomen, underneath those “6 pack” muscles. And trust me, crunches are not targeting all these core muscles—crunches only target one area.
By getting in and working all these core muscles, you can improve your body health dramatically. Your posture can improve. Toning these muscles is great to maintain your balance and flexibility and also maintain nice things like continence, or not peeing yourself when you laugh or sneeze (some of you Moms know what I am talking about here). They are also great to help during childbirth which is why Pilates can also be great for expectant mothers (and why I have an entire DVD aimed at you guys!). You won’t have a bad back if you have strong core muscles, because your core will take care of you if you take care of it. Seriously, a strong core is the key to so many things, but you have to know how to work it.
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