Monday, June 20, 2016

How to Create an Energy List Life

After years and years of struggle, I'm overjoyed to say that I enjoy the life I outlined in the
previous blogpost is what I've been following for over the past 10 years.

This was a very, long painful journey to get here. I can assure you the previous list of my life
looked more like this:

No matter how much you work out and restrict your diet, you're never going to even like how
you look, much less love and appreciate it. Actually, you are going to HATE IT!

You severely restrict your diet down to no bread, no sugar, no dairy, no wheat, no fat, no
flavorings. You are not allowed to go out to eat. At times you restrict it to no eating at all, for
days at a time.

You primarily subsist on overly cooked, blandly prepared chicken and vegetables, protein
shakes and nasty microwaved frozen vegetables.

You workout two to three hours every day no matter how tired, sore or hungry you are. You do
this 6 days per week, no matter how tired, sore or hungry you are.

Whew! That's an exhausting, sad, terrible list. Much of this list is sold by the fitness industry as
healthy. I've had many clients over the years that have been on some version of that sad,
painful list as well.

How did I do it? How did I make this transformation to the heathy, fun-loving Energy List
considering the depths of the Obsessive List.

Check out tomorrow's blog and find out.

Learn to Stop Emotional Eating

If you would like to achieve the following: 

Eat whatever you want when you're physically hungry

Stop emotional eating

Have outstanding health, energy and vitality

Unless you have a medically diagnosed food allergy, have no dietary restrictions. 

Do exercise that not only don't suck, but actually feel good to your body. 

Be a great fitness and health example for your children.

Conquer the frustration of the diet/binge cycle.

Increase your motivation levels in all areas of your life. 

Not to be missed,  eat some form of chocolate EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

This isn't a fairy tale and won't just magically happen.  With effort you can change and improve your health habits and your life dramatically and NOT SUFFER while doing it. 
Check in tomorrow for further information.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Conquer the Frustration of the Diet Binge Cycle

If you would like to achieve the following:

Eat whatever you want when you're physically hungry;

Stop emotional eating;

Have outstanding health, energy and vitality;

Unless you have a medically diagnosed food allergy, have no dietary restrictions.

Do exercise that not only don't suck, but actually feel good to your body.

Be a great fitness and health example for your children.

Conquer the frustration of the diet/binge cycle.

Increase your motivation levels in all areas of your life.

Not to be missed, eat some form of chocolate EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

This isn't a fairy tale and won't just magically happen. With effort you can change and improve

your health habits and your life dramatically and NOT SUFFER while doing it.

Check in tomorrow for further information.